Thursday, December 18, 2008

So i have come to realize that I really like teaching. I know for a while I was on that whole I hate kids thing but as of the past few months my feelings have been changing ever so slowly. Don't get me wrong I still do not know that I would ever want one but other peoples children can be tolerable at times. Also all of the Korean children have been very respectful and better behaved than most American children I have met. It is only the first week of school so my assumption is that I make them nervous and as soon as they get a bit more comfortable they may act up a bit more, but so far so good.

Though I do like teaching so far, dealing with the company I am working for is an entirely different story. Obviously, half way across the world people think about things differently which has led to some frustration on my end. I have never worked for a company or business that is more unorganized than Olympiad. I, by nature, am a very unorganized person, however I like my goals that I need to accomplish to be set in stone and I will then easily accomplish those goals in my own unorganized fashion. When I don't even have set goals I have no idea where to begin and I become very stressed out and that is how this business has been working thus far.

For example I started teaching this Monday, so last week I had two days of training. The first day of training they tell us that at 5pm we will receive the books we will be using to teach this semester. So around 5pm books do arrive, however we come to find out they are not actually we will be using. So we began training, which includes making lesson plans, using books that we probably will not be using in class. Seems pointless right? Well the next day, of course, the right books are supposed to arrive, they do not. We then get told we need to make a syllabus for the semester. Though we don't know what books we are supposed to be using or even what classes we will be teaching. So they are giving us tasks that need to be accomplished with out giving us the material needed to accomplish them. We finally end up getting the correct books the day we begin teaching. Everything turned out fine because we had a couple hours to make the lesson plans but the whole process was completely stressful. This is just one example, things like this happen ever day, multiple times a day. Today before I even go to work I have someone from my job ask me for my diploma, which I sent to the school from America a month before I left and have not seen since. Then they look at me all confused like I am making this up when it is a well known fact that the Korean government has to see your diploma before they give you a work visa. So now today when I get to work, instead of working on my lesson plans I am going to have to call multiple individuals and try to figure out where my diploma is.

Sorry that this blog is just filled with bitching but I needed to vent. Don't get me wrong I love Korea, and if this is the biggest obstacle I am going to have to overcome while being here I know that I will still be overly happy most of the time. Just a little stressed out every once in a while. Well I have to go to work now. Love you and miss you all.

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