Wednesday, February 4, 2009

My Birthday

So, again Michelle is yelling at me about not keeping up with my blogs. So I am sorry to everyone that reads my blogs (which I believe at this point is a record high of maybe three people). I will now try to catch you up...

So there are many things that I want to write about and I do not know where to begin. I guess we can start with my birthday, which was amazing by the way.

Friday evening (my birthday's eve): The night begins at Bauhausa where there is a buffet and unlimited drinks from 9:30 pm till 1:00 am for only 15,000 won (about 13 dollars or so). We have been to this place multiple times and always is a great way to start off an evening. About 15 or 20 people end up coming here and we all eat and then are wondering what we are supposed to do for the next few hours besides drink and mingle. So, we decide to entertain ourselves by playing charades, very very random charades that is. If anyone who reads this hung out with me over winter break of my sophomore year of college you know how much i LOVE charades. However, I realized I am not as good without certain substance stimulation. I think I ended up guessing two, Meghan however was the bomb (yes i did). Though I was not very good I still had a wonderful time watching people make an ass out of themselves and listening to the random guesses of the audience.

1:00 am: We of course stay until we are getting kicked out and then decide to head to this bar called "The Beatles". I have been to this bar multiple times and really enjoy it because of their extensive selection of good music on vinyl, and they take song requests. However, the song request bit is a little sketchy at times which means that maybe half of your songs get played. I was very adamant on this occasion that the songs that I wanted to hear be played. I am sure most of you can guess the two songs I really wanted to dance to ("This Must Be The Place" - The Talking Heads (which Burgundy actually requested for me) and "Shakedown Street" - The Grateful Dead). While these songs played I convinced a few people to join me in the open space in the bar (the makeshift dance floor, kinda like in front of the jukebox at Mcnally's) and we all shook our tail feathers. Things here on out start to get a bit blurry.

Sometime in the wee hours of the morning: We head to the nicest Noraebong I have ever seen. If you are wondering what a Noraebong is the first word I would use to describe it is Infuckingcredible. Noreabong: a room that you and your Friends rent out by the hour where you sing karaoke and get scored by the television. There are also flashing lights in the room and tambourines for the individuals who do not have the microphone at that time. Best moment of my evening: Meghan requests "Nobody" by the Wondergirls for her and I to sing. We rock the shit out of that song, which is predominately in Korean. Then we await our score that is given to us by the televisions scoring device based on how well we sang the song.........100%. Mind you we do not know Korean or the words in the song but still somehow we were perfect. Through out the night the crowd is continuously dwindling until it ends up being Meghan, Steven, Evan and I. For the last hour of being there the four of us sat and sang songs by ourselves. Meghan and Steven would sing a song then Evan and I would. It was ridiculous, Meghan did not want to leave. Finally around 6, 7, or 8 in the morning we all decided we had sang our sweet little hearts out and that it was time to head home. The whole night was amazing and I had so so much fun.

Saturday (My actual birthday):


I end up making it out around nine or so. A few of us go get some dinner then the plan is to head to this event called "The Wild Women's Performing Arts Festival" where all the proceeds went to promoting gender equality in Korea. I found this event on the Internet about 2 weeks before my birthday and was so so excited about it. At first we could not find the venue so we missed a lot of the show but we finally ended up making it. We got to see this all girl Korean grunge band called Juck Juck Grunge. They were amazing and totally hot. After the show we went to a different bar where I proceeded to be a little too drunk for my own good due to the multiple shots of tequila that I ingested. I do not remember much of the rest of the night but I do know that I ended up losing my cell phone.

Funny story: after leaving the second bar a few of us decide to hop in a cab so we can all get home. While in the cab my friend Evan (who is actually from Columbia which is crazy) gets a phone call from some guy saying that he found a cell phone, that Evan's number was in it and asked if he knew who's it was. The guy starts naming off other names in the phone and Evan is like yeah I know that person.... but I have no idea who's phone you have. I am sitting next to him, oblivious to what is happening (I am assuming, I actually have no recollection of this). Turns out the guy had found MY cell phone and I had no idea I had even lost it. Sometimes I am such a fool. I ended up meeting up with the guy a few days later and getting my phone back, thank you Luke (the guy that found my phone).

Overall, my birthday weekend was amazing and I had such a wonderful time. I would like to also write about my ski trip, homo hill, all of my new found friends, and meg's birthday. However my hands hurt so that will all be saved for later.


Also I have no idea how to move my pics around on my blog so that's why they are very sporadic.

P.S. If you are wondering who the guy is making that sweet dance move in one of my pictures, that is Dave, he is Canadian and amazing.